Località Corsignano
53019 Castelnuovo Berardenga
Siena – Italia


Tel.: +39 0577 322545

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“With Sangiovese it takes passion and patience”. This is how Mario, born 4 km from Corsignano, takes care of the vineyards and the winery, as well as supporting Elena in welcoming guests. “My father made wine, my grandfather also. So for me it was natural to combine old experiences with new technologies. Since 2011, driven also by our agronomist as well as by a personal thought, we have married organic, also because the farm has all the characteristics to be able to do it, surrounded as it is by the forest”.

The fear in the early days – says Mario – was that with the biological regime we could not bring home the same amount of product. But the facts fortunately disproved the initial fears and this path has borne fruit so much that since 2014 Fattoria di Corsignano is certified organic.

“The real frontier, in my opinion, is agronomy, not the cellar. And so we focused on the countryside and the needs of the vineyard, including for example from 2015 the use of resistance inductors derived from seaweed that allow to lower the amount of copper per year. Since 2017 we have a synergistic garden from which we have taken inspiration for good practices also in the vineyard. The soils in Corsignano have a strong clay component in the soil that gives structure to the wines, but with the heat it compacts around the roots. To promote micro-oxygenation from this year we decided to leave a worked row and one with spontaneous grassing, in which we then pass with a toothed roller without mowing. In ten years we have gained a soil fertility point!”.

In the cellar – he continues – comes an excellent raw material and this is fundamental especially when making a wine that is an expression of the territory, without bringing anything “foreign” but only organic material.
“Our wines are characterized by a great structure and sapidity that entices you to drink another glass, accompanied by an intense final balsamic note that is not due to the woods. We focus almost everything on Sangiovese, for us it is the faithful mirror of this territory.